The public is invited to submit names of individuals and games in a variety of categories for the 2016 Class of Inductees.
- Video Game Competitors
- Games
- Game Designers
- Industry Leader
- IVGHOF Community Action Award
- Walter Day Lifetime Achievement Award
Participants are also invited to provide information as to why the individual, game or company should be inducted into the International Video Game Hall of Fame.
The public nomination process is the first of three steps in deciding who is inducted into the 2016 IVGHOF Class.
After the public nomination process is completed, a selection committee will narrow down the names for each category to present to a final voting pool which will then determine the final list of inductees.
Nominations are open until 11:59 p.m. March 31.
Interested individuals can read about the Nomination and Induction Process here:
Nominations can be made here:
The IVGHOF Board of Directors would like to thank everyone, in advance, for their submissions.
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